
Monday, January 16, 2012


The kids in Chicago land have been waiting and waiting to play in the snow.  Instead, they've been playing outside, not even needing their heavy winter coats.  I shouldn't complain, must people are happy with our mild winter and not having to shovel snow.  But, I do love to make snowmen and my children especially love the snow.  I think It's been a mild winter because my husband and I put up an ice rink in the back yard just after Thanksgiving, and it still hasn't been cold enough to freeze water!  What a crazy winter!  But, on January 12th, the kids looked out the window around 9:00 am, and saw snow!  My littlest two were out there all afternoon!  Poor David had to watch the snow from his class room, and couldn't play in it until after 5:00 when he got home from band class.   Now, as I post this, its almost 40 degrees and the snow is begining to melt. I made this page in about 5 minutes, quick, like the winter we're having!  Hopefully we'll get some more snow soon!  And some Ice Skating time!!

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