One of the fun perks, and there are many, about being a demonstrator with Stampin' Up! is the bi-monthly magazine we get called Stampin' Success. There are always pretty projects to case in the magazine, and I always look forward to getting it. The past issue had a really pretty cover that I thought was just lovely. I kept looking at it, and so I finally decided to make something that was inspired by the cover. Here is my first attempt.
Here is the cover I am referring to. Isn't it pretty? Well, I didn't reproduce the projects exactly, I wanted my project to be a little simpler, and more mailable.
So that my petals were similar in size, I cut a scrap strip of paper in to even lengths. I tried making them more random, but they just didn't look right. Some were too long, some too short or wide. This way the petals are all different, since I hand tore them, but they work nicely together.
This is the first one I made. I made the splatters by inking up an Aqua Painter with Calypso Coral. I then squeezed the Aqua Painter so that the brush tip was saturated and about to drip. I held the Aqua Painter over the paper and tapped it with my finger to make the little drops fall onto the paper.
Here is my second attempt. Along with the random splatters I added some random rhinestones. I love the shaped clips so I added those too. These were really fun to make, not my usual style, but I like them for sure.
Thanks for stopping by!!
I will have to try your splatters technique. Thanks for sharing.