Hi Everyone!
Are you looking forward to the new Annual Catalog? I can assure you that it is full of wonderful new products and truly great samples for you to gain inspiration from. It's a really beautiful catalog. If you have purchased from me in the last year, I have ordered a catalog to be sent to you already and they are on their way. The Post Office is running a little bit slower these days as they work to deal with this pandemic. I have heard that they are short staffed and also having less people working at one time to keep them spread out a bit, so catalog mailings times are sort of hit or miss. When I send them out to customers, I also send one out to myself and I have not yet received mine, however I am sure it will come soon. But, have no fear, because on June 3rd I will be able to share it here digitally!! Your going to want to take a look at it on June 3rd, and start your wish list because on June 6th I am going to have a fun New Catalog Kick Off party on Facebook!! Every year I have a big kick off for the new catalog and customers come and do a Free make and take, get a catalog, participate in my raffles and shop my retired products garage sale. I have been working on ways to still do this, but virtually!
Starting at 9:00 AM (Central Time) I will be having some FaceBook Live recordings every so often, starting with a catalog walk through, later a project demo, a virtual game (still working out the details for that but there will be a prize), Virtual Display Board of samples, chances for Raffle prizes and of course a SALE!! Purchase from the new catalog on June 6th and you will get to choose items from my Virtual Retired Products Garage Sale FREE ! A BOGO type thing! I will also have retired product with prices for if you don't want to place an order because you are a team member or something, but you still want to get one of my retired stamps. Be sure to join my Facebook page so that you will see the details and the live videos! You wont want to miss out!!